45+ Stress Massage Therapy Benefits Background. The kneading and pressure on the muscles provided through massage therapy encourages the release of dopamine and thereby helps the body to manage stress better. In today's fast paced world, stress and anxiety has become part and parcel of life.
While most research is conducted in the context of illnesses or conditions, some studies have looked at bodywork for healthy people, and concluded that. Massage therapy benefits include soothing sore muscles, improving blood flow, and working as a natural stress reliever. There are so many reasons to get a massage.
Five benefits of hot stone massage therapy.
Body massage is the using of hands, elbows, knees to promote healing, therapy, relaxation and wellbeing. After analyzing 17 studies, researchers from taiwan concluded that massage therapy sessions significantly reduce their depressive symptoms. The skin is moved during a moderate pressure massage. Massage therapy has more recently been used for the treatment of mental and emotional problems, including stress, anxiety, and depression.